Whiz! Pop! Bang!

On Sunday 22 September 2019, Ekta Centre turned into a planet of bangs, explosions and bubbles as the Science Museum Outreach programme visited us to show us a whole new insight into science!

Enabling Network hosted the event which was made possible by a grant received from The British Science Association. Thanks goes to Khilna Gudhka who successfully applied for the grant on behalf of Enabling Network.

The whole day event started with special shows for our Enabling Network stakeholders (children and adults with various disabilities) and then a final show where children aged between 7 and 11 years of age were invited to join in the fun, making it a truly inclusive and integrated event.

It was definitely an afternoon of entertainment and education enjoyed by all the children and their parents who also learnt something new! The laughter, sighs and gasps said it all!

The event finished with mingling and delicious refreshments served by Enabling Network stakeholders, giving them the rare opportunity to serve others.