Oshwal Health Talk – Organ Donation

Leave Them Certain: Organ Donation

Thursday 25 March 2021: 8.00pm – 9.00pm

OAUK welcomes Millie Banarjee, Chair of NHS Blood & Transplant who will bring us up to date with transplant challenges and the work of NHSBT.

Mr Bimbi Fernando, a liver and kidney transplant consultant surgeon at Royal Free NHS Trust, will discuss the organ retrieval process, current challenges, address some of the myths and lift the lid on the misconceptions.

We will also hear two very heart warming organ donor stories – 19 year old Kurran’s mother will talk about how out of tragedy something good happened when he saved 6 lives by donating his organs and we have a live kidney donor story to inspire others.

Watch Live on Oshwal YouTube Channel

Please complete our short survey to help us understand more about your organ donation knowledge.

Pre-session: http://forms.gle/wqmHnYyKFd2GzJNF7