Talk by Malaben Shah

On Saturday 16th March 2019 we had a talk and workshop by Malaben Shah who is one of the OAUK Trustees and holds the Personal and Professional Development Portfolio. Around 35 people attended. The evening started off with the first 1 hour session, followed by light refreshments of mogo kachri and then second 1 hour session

The workshop covered how to replace old with new beliefs, learn to maintain speed of your goals, create formula and your own success tool. Malaben talked about:-

  • Learning from others
  • Learn to listen to yourself
  • Learn to be patient
  • Beliefs and values

The feedback from the session was that Malaben is a very inspiring speaker and even though some areas covered were thought provoking she made the workshop fun and light hearted by injecting humorous examples of what she has faced herself.

We would like to thank everyone for coming along, Malaben and her family for the time they took out of their busy schedules to come deliver the workshop and finally the committee for the organising and catering for yet another successful event.